Watch at Home 01.17.2025

La Pietà

Directed by Eduardo Casanova
Film Movement
86 Minutes
Spain, Argentina
Fantasy, Horror, Drama, Comedy
Not Rated

Mateo (Manel Llunell) and his mother Lili (Ángela Molina) have been inseparable for years. The two share an apartment, answer questions for each other, and spend practically all their moments together. But this bond becomes fraught when Lili is diagnosed with a fatal illness. With the limited time Lili has left, the pair take their toxic mother-son relationship to extreme ends.

From provocateur Eduardo Casanova, La Pietà is a “gorgeously vulgar and shocking” work unlike any other (Screen Anarchy). Winner of the Special Jury Award at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, Casanova’s latest film is a “strange, yet surprisingly heart-breaking film” that encapsulates “bizarre art horror at its finest" (Dread Central).

Director & Cast

  • Director: Eduardo Casanova
  • Starring: Ángela Molina
  • Starring: Manel Llunell
  • Starring: Ana Polvorosa
  • Starring: Antonio Durán 'Morris'




  • "A highly stylised drama filled with fastidious attention to detail and arch, knowing performances...."
    Ben Nicholson, The Film Verdict
  • "Something that would come out of the mind of Álex de la Iglesia if he would wake up in a pastel-coloured rehab centre...."
    Marko Stojiljković, Cineuropa
  • "Casanova draws from the same controversial and stark sources as Lars von Trier, both plot-wise and visually. "
    Jason Seaver, Jay's Movie Blog
  • "A fascinating audiovisual proposal starring the wonderful Ángela Molina in one of the best performances of her career."
    Xesco Simón, Las Furias Magazine
  • "[T]ragicomic to an extreme perhaps only comparable to the best work of Todd Solondz, a high bar that also serves as a kind of reference that will take the temperature of the viewer considering entering Casanova’s absurdist reality."
    J Hurtado, Screen Anarchy